Bacotti, J. K., Perez, B. C., & Vollmer, T. R. (2023). Reflections and critical directions for toilet training in applied behavior analysis. Perspectives on Behavior Science, 46(3), 447-458. Fernandez, N., Argueta, T., DeLeon, I. G., Talhelm, P., Leon, Y., Gravina, N., & Bacotti, J. K. (2024). Barriers to careers in behavior analysis among Hispanic and Latinx undergraduate students: A preliminary analysis. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 1-13. Gravina, N., León, Y., Peters, K., Bacotti, J., McGarry, K., Nastasi, J. (2023). Addressing the behavior therapist shortage in florida. Florida Developmental Disabilities Council, Inc. León, Y., Campos, C., Baratz, S., Gorman, C., Price, A., & DeLeon, I. (2024). Effects of initial versus frequent preference assessments on skill acquisition. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 1-17. Nastasi, J. A., McGarry, K. M., Peters, K. P., León, Y., Bacotti, J. K., & Gravina, N. (2024). A qualitative analysis of variables contributing to the registered behavior technicians’ burnout and turnover in florida. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 1-13.
Association for Applied Behavior Analysis International (ABAI) Conferences Arsdale, A.V., Perrino, N., Bacotti, J.K., Lloveras, L., Peters, K.P., Vollmer, T.R., & Ibanez, V.F. (May 2024). Using different types of instruction to teach undergraduate students and occupational therapists how to conduct structured mealtime protocols. In, A.V. Arsdale (chair), Training in assessment and treatment of pediatric feeding disorders. Symposium at the 50th annual convention of the Association for Applied Behavior Analysis International (ABAI). Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Li, J., Leon, Y., & Bacotti, J.K. (May 2024). Correspondence of tangible and pictorial-based preference assessments via speech-generating device. Poster at the 50th annual convention of the Association for Applied Behavior Analysis International (ABAI). Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Marchante, K.G., Bacotti, J.K., & Leon, Y. (May 2024). Preliminary survey outcomes on provider reported changes in toileting skills. Poster at the 50th annual convention of the Association for Applied Behavior Analysis International (ABAI). Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Ochoa, S.I., Salazar, G., Bacotti, J.K., Leon, Y., & Vollmer, T.R. (May 2024). Assessing matching, echoics, and icon discrimination among speech-generating device users. Poster at the 50th annual convention of the Association for Applied Behavior Analysis International (ABAI). Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Odio, N., Bacotti, J.K., & Leon, Y. (May 2024). An extension of toilet training measurement and schedule thinning procedures. In, L. Guerrero (chair), Toilet training: Advancements in measurement and stakeholder implementation. Symposium at the 50th annual convention of the Association for Applied Behavior Analysis International (ABAI). Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Quiceno, V., Ramirez, A., George, V., Bacotti, J.K., & Leon, Y. (May 2024). Further evaluation of functional analysis screening methods to identify socially mediated functions of destructive behavior. Poster at the 50th annual convention of the Association for Applied Behavior Analysis International (ABAI). Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Ramirez, A., Leon, Y., Bacotti, J.K., Gravina, N., Peters, K.P., McGarry, K., & Nastasi, J. (May 2024). Registered behavior technicians' perspectives on behavioral service provision, training, supervision, and workplace conditions. Poster at the 50th annual convention of the Association for Applied Behavior Analysis International (ABAI). Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Raulerson, F., Bacotti, J.K., & Ibanez V.F. (May 2024). Evaluating the effects of sit schedules on toileting events during pediatric feeding program admission. Poster at the 50th annual convention of the Association for Applied Behavior Analysis International (ABAI). Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Salazar, G., Bacotti, J.K., Leon, Y., & Vollmer, T.R. (May 2024). A component analysis of icon discrimination procedures recommended for speech-generating device users. Poster at the 50th annual convention of the Association for Applied Behavior Analysis International (ABAI). Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Sigwanz, G., Bacotti, J.K., Morris, S.L. (May 2024). Evaluating the feasibility of methods of live recording for assessments of sociability. In, L. McCabe (chair), Advancements in data collection, measurement, and related training practices. Symposium at the 50th annual convention of the Association for Applied Behavior Analysis International (ABAI). Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Simmons, D., Gravina, N., Leon, Y., Peters, K.P., Bacotti, J.K., McGarry, K., & Nastasi, J. (May 2024). Understanding the behavior therapist shortage in Florida: identifying factors that influence service delivery across a drill-down survey of behavior service providers. Poster at the 50th annual convention of the Association for Applied Behavior Analysis International (ABAI). Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Florida Association for Behavior Analysis (FABA) Conferences 2024 Leon, Y. (September 2024). Recent Approaches on Enhancing Task Engagement. Symposium at the 44th annual conference of the Florida Association for Behavior Analysis (FABA). Miami, Florida. Li, J., Bacotti, J.K., Leon, Y. (September 2024). Evaluating the effects of sit schedules on toileting events with children on the autism spectrum. Poster at the 44th annual conference of the Florida Association for Behavior Analysis (FABA). Miami, Florida. Ramirez, A., Leon, Y., Bacotti, J.K., George, V. (September 2024). Further evaluation of functional analysis screening methods. Symposium at the 44th annual conference of the Florida Association for Behavior Analysis (FABA). Miami, Florida. Salazar, G., Bacotti, J.K., Leon, Y., Vollmer, T. (September 2024). Evaluating matching, echoics, and discriminated mands among speech-generating device users. Symposium at the 44th annual conference of the Florida Association for Behavior Analysis (FABA). Miami, Florida. Sigwanz, G., Bacotti, J.K., Morris, S. (September 2024). Evaluating the feasibility of live recording methods for sociability assessments. Symposium at the 44th annual conference of the Florida Association for Behavior Analysis (FABA). Miami, Florida. 2023 Abellan, J., León, Y., Abellan, K., George, V., & Li, J. (2023, September). Effects of fixed and variable exchange production schedules during DRA treatment for vocal protests. Poster at the 43rd annual meeting of the Florida Association for Behavior Analysis (FABA). Orlando, Florida. Bacotti, J. K., León, Y., Nastasi, J., Gravina, N., Peters, K., & McGarry, K. (2023, September). Providers perspectives on behavioral service provision, training, supervision, and workplace conditions. In, Y. Leon (chair), Understanding the behavior therapist shortage in Florida and charting a path forward. Symposium at the 43rd annual meeting of the Florida Association for Behavior Analysis (FABA). Orlando, Florida. Bacotti, J. K., León, Y, & Vollmer, T. (2023, September). Analyzing learning patterns when establishing discriminated mands among speech-generating device users. In, J. Bacotti (chair), Advancements in identifying and analyzing learning patterns among children with varied verbal repertoires. Symposium at the 43rd annual meeting of the Florida Association for Behavior Analysis (FABA). Orlando, Florida. George, V., León, Y., Budhrani, T., Li, J., & Abellan, J. (2023, September). Evaluation of an enhanced automatic reinforcement screener to identify subtypes of SIB. In, Y. Leon (chair), Recent advances in functional analysis methods across social and automatic reinforcement functions. Symposium at the 43rd annual meeting of the Florida Association for Behavior Analysis (FABA). Orlando, Florida. Kirkland, F., Bacotti, J. K., Ibañez, V., Thomas, T., & Vollmer, T. R. (2023, September). Evaluating undergarment type and nutritional intake on toileting continence during day treatment pediatric feeding program enrollment. In L. Guerrero (chair), Pediatric feeding disorders: Training and intervention outcomes. Symposium at the 43rd annual meeting of the Florida Association for Behavior Analysis (FABA). Orlando, Florida. Li, J., León, Y., & Budhrani, T. (2023, September). Correspondence of tangible and pictorial-based preference assessments via speech-generating device. In, J. Bacotti (chair), Advancements in identifying and analyzing learning patterns among children with varied verbal repertoires. Symposium at the 43rd annual meeting of the Florida Association for Behavior Analysis (FABA). Orlando, Florida. McGarry, K., Peters, K., Gravina, N., León, Y., Pendergrass, J., Nastasi, J., & Bacotti, J. K. (2023, September). Insights from practitioners on the shortage of behavioral therapists. In, Y. Leon (chair), Understanding the behavior therapist shortage in Florida and charting a path forward. Symposium at the 43rd annual meeting of the Florida Association for Behavior Analysis (FABA). Orlando, Florida. Peters, K., León, Y., Gravina, N., McGarry, K., Bacotti, J. K., & Nastasi, J. (2023, September). A situational analysis of behavior-analytic service provision in Florida. In, Y. Leon (chair), Understanding the behavior therapist shortage in Florida and charting a path forward. Symposium at the 43rd annual meeting of the Florida Association for Behavior Analysis (FABA). Orlando, Florida. Ramirez, A., León, Y., & Bacotti, J.K. (2023, September). A retrospective analysis of resurgence patterns during FCT multiple schedule terminal probes. In, I. DeLeon (chair), Translational and clinical studies on relapse of problem behavior following behavioral intervention. Symposium at the 43rd annual meeting of the Florida Association for Behavior Analysis (FABA). Orlando, Florida. Center for Autism and Related Disabilities (CARD) Conferences 2025 Li, J. & Leon, Y. (January 2025). Evaluation of functional analysis screening methods. Symposium at the 32nd annual convention for the Center for Autism and Related Disabilities (CARD). Orlando, Florida. 2024 Bacotti, J. (January 2024). Contemporary practices for toileting training for children on the autism spectrum. Symposium at the 31st annual convention for the Center for Autism and Related Disabilities (CARD). Orlando, Florida. Leon, Y. (January 2024). Understanding the behavior therapist shortage in Florida and charting a path forward. Symposium at the 31st annual convention for the Center for Autism and Related Disabilities (CARD). Orlando, Florida.