Learning and Behavior, Research and Training Lab

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The Learning and Behavior, Research and Training Lab

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The Learning and Behavior, Research and Training Lab uses the science of applied behavior analysis to focus on socially important goals for children at risk or diagnosed with autism, neurodevelopmental disorders, intellectual disabilities, and emotional behavioral disorders.

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 • To fill critical gaps in the care of children with neurodevelopmental, intellectual and / or emotional behavior disorders by using empirically based strategies to promote foundational skills and prevent the development of severe behavior disorders.

 • To advance the science of applied behavior analysis by improving the efficacy and efficiency of behavioral interventions.

 • To build the workforce by providing early scholars and professionals with specialty training in behavior-analytic clinical practice and research experience when working with minimally verbal individuals and those individuals who exhibit challenging behavior.

 • To build capacity in existing community systems by developing strategic partnerships and disseminating contemporary methodology via scholarly conferences, publications, and community training.

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Clinical Research Programs

Our two clinical research programs are housed in the Department of Psychology and UM CARD and receive programmatic funding from Miami Dade County. We provide specialized areas of clinical service delivery via applied research protocols, and training for emerging scholars and practitioners in behavior analysis. Our team includes a tiered clinical training and supervision model including: board certified behavior analysts (BCBA) at the Doctoral and Master’s level, post-baccalaureate trainees, and undergraduate clinical research assistants.

 • The Pediatric Applied and Innovative Research (PAIR) Program specializes in the skill development needs of children between 2-8 years. We promote foundational skills such as early communication, toileting continence, social or toy engagement, imitation, receptive identification, and cooperation. We collaborate with other UM programs across Pediatrics and Psychology including the Mailman Center and the ASAC clinic in the Department of Psychology. Current projects include: 
○ Evaluating a short-term ABA intervention model using AAC technology with minimally verbal children.
○ Establishing urinary continence among minimally verbal children with intellectual or developmental disabilities.

 • The Functional Assessment, Consultation, and Training (FACT) Program specializes in assessment and treatment of challenging behavior of children between 3-17 years. We assess and treat challenging behavior and develop treatment plans to establish functional replacement behavior. We provide initial treatment plan recommendations and provide professional development opportunities to community providers. Current projects include:
○ Addressing the behavior therapist shortage in Florida and charting a path forward.
○ Further evaluation of functional analysis screening procedures to improve efficiency and adoptability of gold standard assessment approaches.
