Initiatives | DEC | About | Psychology | University of Miami

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Community Event photoCurrent DEC Initiatives

  • Our Stories Series
  • Annual speaker series (e.g.Dr. Daniel, Past APA President)
  • Student Panel during student onboarding week
  • DEC Awards for faculty, students, and staff
  • Annual cultural potluck
  • Faculty training on multicultural issues
  • I am Psyched! Women in Psychology National Tour
  • Diversity Hub during interview weekend

Citizen Scientist

The Citizen Psychologist initiative was created by Jessica Henderson Daniel, PhD, ABPP, 2018 APA President. "Almost every aspect of human existence is impacted by psychological science, education and practice, and almost every social policy can be informed by it. For these reasons, psychologists and psychology students need to be in more rooms, at more tables, and at the heads of those tables when decisions affecting the public are formulated and implemented." Here we highlight scientists and psychologists who's work makes a positive impact on society.

Fall 2022: Current State of LGBTQ+ Health Policies in Florida
  1. Poulopoulos' background as a pediatric psychologist. (1:11)
  2. How to become an ally. (1:51)
  3. How can clinicians show support. (3:26)
  4. Asking questions in a sensitive way and alternatives to asking questions. (5:19)
  5. How to respond to friends or family members who feel negatively about someone from a marginalized group. (6:46)
  6. How to respond to racist, sexist, homophobic or transphobic attitudes respectfully. (8:11)
  7. Any advice for individuals who have difficulties while using gender-affirming pronouns, specifically, when they/them are or were in transition or non-binary, etc. (11:11)
  8. Ways to use privilege as an ally to support underrepresented groups and marginalized individuals. (13:14)
  9. Destructive behaviors that allies engage in thinking they are supportive and beneficial. (15:00)
  10. Strategies for students/others with upbringings in cultures that do not align with LGBTQ+ ideologies and may struggle with how to approach individuals about their gender in ways that reflect genuine curiosity and willingness to affirm. (16:37)
  11. Advice when cultural background (e.g., religious affiliation/belief structure) of the individual is at odds with non-binary gender affiliative processes. Particularly with regards to dissonance with LGBTQ+ culture. (20:20)

Fall 2023: Multidisciplinary perspectives on human trafficking

Fall 2024: Racism in early childhood education

Citizen Psychologist: Dr.Iheoma Iruka (Applied Developmental Psychologist)

Interviewer: Chabeley Figuereo (Child/Developmental Graduate Student)

  1. Dr. Irukas’ background and current work. (1:05)
  2. How Dr.Iruka got into her line of work. (2:28)
  3. Racism in early education and development and how it impacts children. (4:52)
  4. Family involvement in racism toward children. (9:30)
  5. Institutional progress in addressing racism with families and the community. (13:48)
  6. Dr.Iruka’s Book: We Are the Change We Seek - How can educators support black and ethnic minority children in the classroom. (16:49)
  7. Teachers and programs holding themselves accountable. (23:40)
  8. Critical factors to advocate for ethnic minority children. (30:15)


Our Stories

"Nuestras Historias - Celebrating Our Stories of Hispanic Heritage"

DEC Our Stories 2023

Spring 2023



  • Isabella Castillo
  • Dr. Janelle Bacotti
  • Dr. Yanerys Leon

Download the Our Stories Spring 2023 Flyer

Our Stories - Spring 2023


"Living fully along the spectrum of abilities"

DEC Our Stories 2022Spring 2022


  • Elizabeth Halliday
  • Sophia Bobes
  • Dr. Sierra Banter
  • Dr. Liz Losin

Download the Our Stories Spring 2022 Flyer

Our Stories - Spring 2022



Fall 2019


  • Dr. Guerda Nicolas
  • Dr. Lucina Uddin
  • Dr. Anabel Bejarano
  • Dr. Sannisha Dale

Download the Our Stories Fall 2019 Flyer

Fall 2019


  • Stevie Custode
  • Satyanand Satyanarayana
  • Dr. Steve Safren
  • Arnetta Phillips

Download the Our Stories Fall 2019 Flyer

Spring 2019


  • Dr. Maria Llabre
  • Daisy Lopez
  • Dr. Kristen Lindahl
  • Vivian Perez
Download the Our Stories Spring 2019 Flyer

Spring 2018


  • Melyza Casanova
  • Dr. Roger McIntosh
  • Tiffany Glynn
Download the Our Stories Spring 2018 Flyer