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The world doesn't know enough about autism spectrum disorder. At the University of Miami, we are changing that.

1 in 44 children are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, and this rate has been increasing. The University of Miami Psychology Department is a world leader in autism research and support, marshalling the forces of scientists and clinicians to develop the latest knowledge about autism and implement cutting edge programming to support children and adults with autism and related disabilities as well as the professionals who serve them. More than 15,000 South Florida families receive support from our clinics and resource centers every year. Join us and learn more.

Provide the latest diagnostic and support strategies to families who need answers today.

CARD LogoCARD, the Center for Autism & Related Disabilities, is a state-funded support program providing free services to thousands of South Florida individuals with autism and related disabilities each year. CARD also provides training and support to families, caregivers and educators; conducts community outreach; and provides technical assistance to other agencies. 


ASAC LogoThe UM Autism Spectrum Assessment Clinic (ASAC) provides psychological evaluations and therapy to children, adolescents and adults with autism and other social-communicative difficulties. ASAC’s team of experienced psychologists work with each client and family to provide individualized, compassionate care. 


DJFF LogoThe Daniel Jordan Fiddle Foundation (DJFF) is a national non-profit organization established in 2002 to focus on developing, funding and advocating for suitable and sustainable programs, resources, support systems and services that address the lifespan needs of adults living with autism


IBIS LogoThe Intensive Behavioral Intervention Services (IBIS) Clinic teaches clients new skills and reduces challenging behaviors through Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). The IBIS clinic provides early intervention, picky eating support, parent training, and trains students in the principles and practices of ABA.


Conduct leading edge research advance understanding of autism for tomorrow.

BCCL LogoThe Brain Connectivity and Cognition Laboratory studies how the brain develops with a particular emphasis on autism. The lab explores the dynamic networks of the brain and their interactions so we can better understand why some brains connect in unusual ways or are unable to make certain connections.


SPARK LogoSPARK (Simons Foundation Powering Autism Research for Knowledge) is a national online research study recruiting individuals with autism and their families to share medical and genetic information with scientists to help speed up research and advance understanding of autism. The University of Miami is one of SPARK's clinical site partners, working alongside over 20 of the nation's leading autism research centers to help recruit indivisuals and families.


MOD LogoThe Early Play and Development Laboratory investigates the social and emotional development of infants at elevated risk for autism and young children with autism. The lab examines babies’ earliest communication and play, and how these relate to later development.


Develop the next generation of high quality practitioners to change the autism landscape.

BACB LogoThe Master's in Psychology with a Specilization in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a full-time graduate program providing training necessary for certification to students who have earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology or a related field. This uniquely designed program provides both onsite coursework and practica in ABA at the Intensive Behavior Intervention Services (IBIS) Clinic.
