Questioning, Understanding, Experiencing, and Scientific Thinking

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Questioning, Understanding, Experiencing, and Scientific Thinking
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Questioning, Understanding, Experiencing, and Scientific Thinking
The QUEST project is a five-year educational research and development project. The project is collaboration between the University of Miami’s Department of Psychology, College of Arts & Sciences and the Overtown Youth Center, a non-profit youth development agency that addresses the needs of underserved and economically disadvantaged minority youth.

The purpose of the project is to design and evaluate curriculum that enhances science-related competencies and aligns with the Next Generation Science Standards (National Research Council, 2012). The curriculum, for 2nd-5th graders, will capitalize on the notion that children are inquisitive and innate investigators.  The curriculum will promote and encourage scientific inquiry, provide experiences to develop a foundational understanding of experimentation and observation, and motivate children to think about how to analyze and interpret information. Furthermore, QUEST will focus on health and wellness issues that are personally relevant to the children. Besides promoting positive science educational outcomes, QUEST has the potential to spark minority youths’ interest in biomedical, behavioral, and clinical research pursuits and careers as well as enhance their understanding of health and behavior.

The project is funded by a Science Education Partnership Award from the National Institutes of Health.
