Graduate Applicant's Frequently Asked Questions

Questions about the admissions process and faculty research

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  • 1.) How are students selected for admission to the various graduate programs?

    All the graduate programs work on a "mentorship model" that is, students are admitted to work with a specific faculty mentor, or possibly a combination of faculty members. Faculty select students based on the quality of the application and the match between the student's and mentor's research interests. The mentor supervises the student's research, including the Master's Thesis and Doctoral Dissertation. Occasionally students choose to switch mentors after starting the program.

  • 2.) How do I find out about faculty research interests?

    A brief description is presented on the Faculty Page which contains links to more detailed information on each faculty member's home page. Faculty research interests are also described in each of the department's graduate divisions which you can click on below:

  • 3.) Which faculty members will be selecting students for admission this year?

    This varies from year to year, and depends on the availability of funding (e.g., graduate assistantships), as well as faculty interests. It is best to contact and ask the faculty member directly (see below). Please understand that faculty do not decide whether or not to select students until after the application deadline. In general, the faculty members most likely to take on new graduate students are those with active research programs.

  • 4.) What is the best way contact faculty members?

    The best way to contact faculty members is to send a brief email during the fall semester. Email addresses are indicated on faculty web pages. Briefly inform the faculty member of your interest in their research. You may also want to include a brief summary of your interests and background, such as your undergraduate institution, GRE scores, GPA, and research positions/experience

Questions specific to the clinical admissions process

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Questions about research and clinical opportunities

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  • 1.) What types of research opportunities do students have in the clinical program?

    Students work with a faculty mentor who supervises all their research. Occasionally students conduct research with more than one faculty member. Students devote at least 10 hours a week to their research and must complete a thesis and dissertation. Students are strongly encouraged to seek research grants and to submit their work for publication in journals or presentation at professional conferences.

  • 2.) What are the opportunities for clinical training?

    Clinical Training varies slightly by track. In general, students begin clinical work in the summer after their first year or at the beginning of their second year of graduate study. Students typically spend one year at the department's Psychological Services Center conducting therapy and assessments with a diverse range of clients from the community. Students may select from a variety of additional clinical experiences, including the UM Counseling Center, the UM Medical School, and several area hospitals. Students spend 10 hours per week doing clinical work for at least 5 semesters.

  • 3.) How long does it take to complete the program?

    The clinical program is designed to be completed in four years, plus a one-year clinical internship. Some students elect to take an extra year before internship to focus on research and publications.
